Imagery A/B Test

A/B Test of Continued’s website with and without images using Maze’s testing platform.


Maze is a testing platform where companies can run different tests to understand their users better. I used this platform to run an A/B test.

The goal of this project was to understand how images impacted users interactions with Continued’s website.


Role: UX Researcher, Designer, Prototyper

Time Frame: 3 Months

Tools: Maze, Figma

Research Plan


From this research, I wanted to learn the following:

  • What impact imagery has on users

  • If the inclusion of imagery makes navigating the site easier

Target Audience

General population, but screening for:

  • Early 20s to mid 50s

  • Some college education

Research Method

  • A/B Test using Maze software

  • Send out two separate tests to 50 people each

    • 1 with images

    • 1 without images


  • Ease of site navigation with and without imagery

  • Open-ended user feedback

  • How engaging/high quality the site is


Using Maze

This was my first time using Maze’s software so there was a bit of a learning curve. I learned how to adjust my prototypes in Figma to adhere to Maze’s rules, as well as the many different ways to ask questions via Maze.

I sent out two different Mazes, one without images, and one with images, because I was unable to randomize questions for different users.


Test Results

I did not ask users questions about images, graphics, or colors. Instead, I requested that they provide general feedback on the “look and navigation” and answer what “tools, features, or aspects of the site” helped them navigate. The quotes below answer these questions.

Test A - No Images

  • “The colors of the website should be more captivating.”

  • “Personally, I would welcome more colors or some graphics, because I think it makes a website more visually engaging.”

  • “Oldschool, so 2000s.”

Test B - Images

  • “The use of pictures helped with the finding of specific courses because the pictures give a graphical interpretation of [the] course.”

  • “I found the look attractive, it is easy to use and navigate.”

  • “The website looks great, very modern.”

Testers were also requested to complete tasks as they navigated through three different prototypes. They were timed on each separate prototype. Across all three prototype tests, testers with images completed the task faster.

Next Steps

  • Present findings to UX Team, Product Team, and internal stakeholders.

  • Work with Marketing to produce images for the website and assist developers with updating components.

  • Spend more time working with Maze and testing other sections of the site!



