

How might we redesign a toy store website so that it is a fully functional e-commerce site with a smooth and easy checkout process?

Figma Prototype


BeBeep is a small toy store in Columbia, South Carolina. Due to COVID, BeBeep had to close its doors but still wants to allow shoppers the chance to buy toys. 

The goal of this project was to transform BeBeep into a fully functional and easy-to-use e-commerce site.


Role: UX Designer, Researcher

Time Frame: 2 Week Sprint

Tools: Figma, FigJam, MockUp

Platforms: Desktop, Mobile


Goal: To understand why users shop for children’s toys and what an enjoyable online shopping experience looks like to them.


User Interviews

  • Users, especially parents, are busy and need convenience

  • Amazon’s easy check-out process makes users return often

  • Users want to save information without creating an account

Competitive + Comparative Analysis

My users needed a website that would be smooth and easy to use with a simple checkout process. I spent time looking at Amazon’s check-out process, as well as fast fashion sites where users make purchases frequently and quickly. I kept track of the features that worked well on different sites.

Affinity Mapping

I grouped the data from my user interviews into categories based on the user’s feelings and needs, using “I” statements to frame them from the user’s point of view. This helped identify key needs, behaviors, and goals of users.

Affinity Mapping



Meridith was the primary persona that I designed for by keeping the design as simple and clear as possible. I also kept Julian’s interests in mind by making sure that users were able to shop by age.

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Screen Shot 2021-08-15 at 1.14.11 PM.png

Problem Statement

Meridith needs an online toy store that has a speedy checkout process because she is a busy parent working at home due to COVID.

How Might We Statement

How might we redesign a toy store website so that it is a fully functional e-commerce site with an easy checkout process.

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Sketches + Wireframes

With the persona, Meridith in mind, I sketched out different screens a user might see on this site. I referenced other sites, including IKEA, as I tried to create clean and minimal designs that would assist the user in achieving their goals. I also tried to rely on photos and clearly labeled headers so that users could find what they were looking for at a glance.

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Style Guide

I created a simplified color palette with the goal of making users feel comfortable while reducing stress.


Likewise, I simplified the logo to make it less distracting for users while they shopped.

Original Logo

Original Logo

New Logo

New Logo



Next Steps

  • Spend more time building out the mobile version

  • Design other payment options

  • Conduct more usability tests

  • Would like to spend more time working with design systems

  • Need to do a better job of keeping up with artifacts between design iterations

  • Work on time management




Healthy Words